What is a hiatal hernia?

A hiatal hernia occurs when part of the stomach is pushed up into the chest cavity, through the diaphragm. (The diaphragm is the main muscle for breathing. It is also the muscle wall that separates the chest and abdomen.) It’s not exactly clear what causes a hiatal hernia, but it is relatively common after the age of 50. Some patients with hiatal hernia experience symptoms, while others have none.

What are the symptoms of a hiatal hernia?

Signs and symptoms of a hiatal hernia include:

Hiatal Hernia Surgery Specialist in Sydney - Sydney Surgical Clinic
How is a hiatal hernia diagnosed? - Sydney Surgical Clinic

How is a hiatal hernia diagnosed?

A hiatal hernia may be diagnosed on an X-Ray or CT-scan, or during a gastroscopy.

How is a hiatal hernia treated?

Hiatal hernias may be treated with lifestyle changes, medication or surgery. However, not every hiatal hernia needs treatment. If it is not causing symptoms, a hiatal hernia may be safely observed.

What sort of lifestyle changes could help to improve my symptoms?

There are several lifestyle changes that could help control the symptoms of a hiatus hernia. These include:

What medications are used to treat a hiatal hernia?

Medications for hiatal hernia include:

When is surgery needed for a hiatal hernia?

Surgery may be recommended if:

What type of surgery is done to repair a hiatal hernia?

During laparoscopic (or keyhole) surgery for a hiatal hernia, the stomach is pulled back into the abdomen. The top part of the stomach (called the fundus) is then wrapped around the lower part of the oesophagus, to create a valve which prevents acid from leaking up into the oesophagus. This procedure is called a fundoplication.

What can I expect after hiatal hernia surgery?

After laparoscopic hernia repair and fundoplication, most patients will experience transient discomfort, rather than severe pain. During surgical recovery, it is important to:

You could expect to return to work within 2 to 3 weeks, or whenever you feel well enough, and should be ready to resume your regular diet between 3 and 6 weeks after surgery.